Gitzo Systematic Series 3 Carbon Fiber Tripod with Arca-Type Series 4 Center Ball Head with Lever Release

Gitzo Systematic Series 3 Carbon Fiber Tripod with Arca-Type Series 4 Center Ball Head with Lever Release

The Systematic Series 3 Carbon Fiber Tripod with Arca-Type Series 4 Center Ball Head with Lever Release from Gitzo offers a load capacity of 61.7 lb, a maximum height of 69.7", a weight of 6.48 lb, and easy storage and transport with a folded length of 31.3". The Arca-type compatible ball head has a tungsten disulfide coating to help keep the ball movement smooth while it minimizes sticking and slipping, and it features a lever release lock that tightens down on the included quick release plate.

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