Leofoto LS-324CEX Ranger Series Carbon Fiber Tripod with 15 Degree Leveling Base (Black)

Leofoto LS-324CEX Ranger Series Carbon Fiber Tripod with 15 Degree Leveling Base (Black)

The lightweight and durable LS-324CEX Ranger Series Carbon Fiber Tripod from Leophoto differs from other Ranger Series carbon fiber tripods due to its incorporated leveling base. Offering a maximum 15 of tilt, the leveling base feature makes this tripod ideal for shooting video and panoramic photography. The tripod head can be adjusted for horizontal orientation after the tripod has been positioned for the shot without having to individually adjust the legs.

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Leofoto USA
Authorized Dealer
Coupon CWD25
B&H Photo Video
Authorized Dealer
Since 51 weeks ago

Used / RefurbishedPrice
Leofoto USA
Used: Open Box
Use Coupon CWD25

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