Vanguard VEO 2 235AB Aluminum Tripod with Ball Head

Vanguard VEO 2 235AB Aluminum Tripod with Ball Head

The blue-finished 4.75' Vanguard VEO 2 235AB Aluminum Tripod with Ball Head combines the VEO 2 235AB legs with the BH-50 head. Ideal for hiking and nature work, the tripod weighs 3 lb, and has a load capacity of 13.2 lb. It can extend up to 57.1", and folds down to a compact 15.75". The tripod's 5-section legs feature advanced twist locks and individual spread in 20, 45, and 80 positions for easy setup on uneven terrain or spreading out as low as 7" for macro photography. The BH-50 has 3 independent dedicated knobs for lock, panning, and friction control.

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Since 96 weeks ago
B&H Photo Video
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Since 193 weeks ago

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