Manfrotto MHXPRO-BHQ2 XPRO Ball Head with 200PL Quick-Release

Manfrotto MHXPRO-BHQ2 XPRO Ball Head with 200PL Quick-Release

Accurately adjust your camera position with the MHXPRO-BHQ2 XPRO Ball Head with 200PL Quick-Release System from Manfrotto. Able to hold up to 22 lb, the 1.1 lb ball head is strong enough for most applications and ideally suited for an equally sturdy tripod. The XPRO lets you fine-tune your adjustments, thanks to separate knobs for both the ball and the 360 panning as well as a friction control knob for more exacting placement. The 200PL quick-release clamp and plate allow for quick camera attachment and removal, and two bubble levels let you adjust your camera so the horizon is level.

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B&H Photo Video
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Since 106 weeks ago
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