Manfrotto MH055M8-Q5 Photo-Movie Tripod Head With Q5 QR Plate

Manfrotto MH055M8-Q5 Photo-Movie Tripod Head With Q5 QR Plate

The Manfrotto MH055M8-Q5 Photo-Movie Tripod Head offers optimal function for still photo shooting as well as videography. Primarily designed for DSLR cameras with movie shooting ability, the tripod head features a Photo-Movie selector to quickly switch between the 2 modes.In Photo mode, the MH055M8-Q5 head offers free movement in all directions just like a typical ball head. Equipped with fluid cartridges and an adjustable counter balance control, the tripod head provides precise, smooth, and controlled movement.In video mode, the head restricts all-direction movement to precise pan-and-tilt operation, which is just perfect for videography.

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B&H Photo Video
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Since 80 weeks ago

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